Wonderful Wizard of Oz

Want to add some wonder to your week? Get along to the theatre’s annual pantomime – The Wonderful Wizard of Oz! There’s nothing like sitting back and being entertained, and when that comes with a feel good vibe and a wow factor, that is hard to top!...

The Wonderful Wizard of Oz

The cast have been busy rehearsing, having fun and enjoying some chill time by the looks of it! The panto is coming along beautifully, we can’t wait to see it when it opens on December 3rd. Stay tuned for more sneak peeks and details. Cast hard at work Cast...

OUCH Youth Festival

The OUCH Youth Festival is a night of youth performances – dance, music, song, theatre and more. Come, be entertained and amazed by our talented local youth. SATURDAY 14th AUGUST Two sessions- 5pm – 7pm Primary School aged performers 7pm – 9pm...

Wyrd Sisters

Directed by Brian Baker Shows 18th, 19th, 25th, 26th June @ 7pm Matinees 20th, 27th June @ 2pm It’s almost time for Terry Pratchett’s Wyrd Sisters. Adapted from the novel of the same name, by Stephen Briggs, this play is part of the hugely popular Disc...