Contact Us
Feel free to contact us with your enquiries
Committee Members 2023/2024
President: Aaron Macknight
Vice-President: Robert Benson-Parry
Treasurer: Hilary Bardsley
Secretary: Kathleen Fazackerley
Promotions Manager: Meegan Cullen
Productions Manager: Richard Allen
Theatre Manager: Hugh Litson
Resident Stage/Hire Manager: Jude Sutherland
Wardrobe Manager: Sue Bottomley
Ordinary Committee: Rob Snelling
Ordinary Committee: Janet Flambard
Ordinary Committee: Julie-Anne Leggett
Front of House Manager: Kathleen Larson
Costume Hire: Cherie Gardiner 0422 129 765 or 08 9761 2209
Theatre Hire: 0418 611 280
Promotions: 0421 665 573
Phone: 08 9761 1207 – general enquiries
Postal: PO BOX 81, Bridgetown WA 6255
General Enquiries:
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